Publicado por
Furr M.
furr mora,
viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010
the Zebroid
hola. hoy decidi cambiar el nombre de mi blog a Zebroid (zebrallo). animal, que me a facinado, pues es una mezcla entre la cebra, y el caballo. me parece un animal fantastico y raro. y es que ademas de ser algo tan extrano resulta que no todos los zebrallos nacen con un patron definido de rallas, cada uno trae rallas en diferentes partes de su cuerpo.ademas, apesar de parecer un animal bastante fantastico y de su apariencia apasible, es de un caracter muy agresivo y tosco, lo cual me parecio algo muy psicodelico. les dejo una foto de uno. gracias por su atencion.
hi. today decided to rename my blog to Zebroid. animal, which fascinated me because it is a cross between a zebra and a horse. I feel it's a fantastic and rare animal. and is that besides being something so strange, zeboids are not all born with the same pattern of stripes on it. each one has it own pattern of stripes that brings in different parts of their body, making sometimes, 2 zebroids look as 2 different animals. in spite of looking like a pretty fantastic animal and its peaceful appearance, is of a very aggressive and rude, which I found it kinda psychedelic. I leave a picture of one. thanks for your attention.
(Maybe) Someday
Publicado por
Furr M.
hola otra vez!. el dia de hoy les vengo a dejar otras de mis canciones. esta se titula "(maybe) someday". y habla un poco de lo que es pensar en la posibilidad de rendirse a las cosas que uno quiere y por las que uno a luchado por mucho tiempo sin la ayuda de nadie, o peor aun, rendirse a las cosas por las que una a luchado por mucho tiempo, contra la corriente. esta vez si les voy a dejar la letra. espero que les guste.
hello again!. this day come to stop by and leave you another of my songs. This is titled "(maybe) someday". and speaks a little of what is consider the possibility of surrendering to the things you want and what you've fought for long without any help from anyone, or worse, surrendering to the things that you've fight for a long time, and against the current. this time I'm going to leave the lyrics. I hope you like it.
(maybe) someday
maybe someday, baby, i'll be done
maybe someday
will open my eyes and see
and i'm gonna become
what you want me to be
i've never touched your heart
with any of my songs
i'm praying my soul out
for this to be the one
a song can make you mellow
a song can make you strong
but careful cos a song can be as dangerous as a gun
maybe one day everything's gonna change
i'm gonna be with you, we gonna pass this trough
i've never touched your heart
with any of my songs
i'm praying my soul out
for this to be the one
maybe someday, baby, i'll be done
maybe someday
will open my eyes and see
and i'm gonna become
what you want me to be.
hello again!. this day come to stop by and leave you another of my songs. This is titled "(maybe) someday". and speaks a little of what is consider the possibility of surrendering to the things you want and what you've fought for long without any help from anyone, or worse, surrendering to the things that you've fight for a long time, and against the current. this time I'm going to leave the lyrics. I hope you like it.
(maybe) someday
maybe someday, baby, i'll be done
maybe someday
will open my eyes and see
and i'm gonna become
what you want me to be
i've never touched your heart
with any of my songs
i'm praying my soul out
for this to be the one
a song can make you mellow
a song can make you strong
but careful cos a song can be as dangerous as a gun
maybe one day everything's gonna change
i'm gonna be with you, we gonna pass this trough
i've never touched your heart
with any of my songs
i'm praying my soul out
for this to be the one
maybe someday, baby, i'll be done
maybe someday
will open my eyes and see
and i'm gonna become
what you want me to be.
jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010
hola hola. hoy les quiero dejar un dibujo que hice hace un rato, hace como 3 o 4 anos tal vez. la verdad no le tengo un titulo o nombre, no se por que. tal vez sea por que no es precisamente uno de mis favoritos, y no es por el resultado, si no mas bien por la fuente. este dibujo lo tome de una anuncio de alguna especie de locion, o ropa o algo por el estilo. y debido a que apesar de que a mi no me gusta mucho, a la gente es de los que mas les llama la atencion. entonces debido a la auncencia de nombre, lo llamaremos dibujo #1. es solo lapiz sobre papel.
espero les guste, nos vemos la proxima.
hello hello. today I want topost a drawing that I made a while ago as 3 or 4 years maybe. to be honest it does not have a title or name, not that. perhaps that is not exactly one of my favorites, and not by the outcome, but rather by the source. I take this picture of an announcement of some sort of lotion or clothing or something. and in spite of that I do not like much, is maybe the one of my drawing the people likes the most. then due to absences of name, call it drawing # 1. is just pencil on paper.
I hope you like it, see you next.
espero les guste, nos vemos la proxima.
hello hello. today I want topost a drawing that I made a while ago as 3 or 4 years maybe. to be honest it does not have a title or name, not that. perhaps that is not exactly one of my favorites, and not by the outcome, but rather by the source. I take this picture of an announcement of some sort of lotion or clothing or something. and in spite of that I do not like much, is maybe the one of my drawing the people likes the most. then due to absences of name, call it drawing # 1. is just pencil on paper.
I hope you like it, see you next.
miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010
the traveler (song)
esta es una cancion que yo escribi hace un par de meses, grabe el demo en mi casa, se llama "the traveler" y de las canciones que e escrito, es una de mis favoritas, por esta cancion llame asi a mi blog. espero que la escuchen, y espero que les guste.
gracias por visitar, nos vemos la proxima.
this is a song that I wrote a couple of months ago, i recorded the demo in my house. the song its titled "the traveler", of the song i've wrote, is one of my favorites. that's why i called my blog like that. I hope to be heard, and I hope you like it.
Thanks for visiting, see you next time.
gracias por visitar, nos vemos la proxima.
this is a song that I wrote a couple of months ago, i recorded the demo in my house. the song its titled "the traveler", of the song i've wrote, is one of my favorites. that's why i called my blog like that. I hope to be heard, and I hope you like it.
Thanks for visiting, see you next time.
1 comentarios
miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010
Catching up...
Publicado por
Furr M.
furr mora,
Bueno... pues, tengo muchas cosas por postear, y no me refiero a que soy una maquina creativa que crea miles de obras a la vez, no, simplemente me refiero a que tengo muchas creaciones pasadas y que rara vez e mostrado. son muchas como para mostrarlas todas por lo que me limitare a mostrar las que mas me gustan.
Well ... therefore I have many things to post, and I do not mean that I am a creative machine that creates thousands of works at once, no, I mean simply that I have many past creations and rarely shown. are many to display them all so I will just show those I like the most.
Quiero presentarles uno de mis dibujos, que me gusta llamar "pretty russian". y es el retrato que saque de alguna foto de algun lugar, seguramente de alguna pagina como Facebook o myspace. lo hice hace como 4 anos, y solo recuerdo que era alguna foto casual de esta mujer que segun recuerdo estaba parada posando en alguna especie de colina en un aparentemente un dia gris y atras de ella se veian unos edificios alguna especie de fabrica o algo, era un cuadro vastante gris, el cual me parecio muy bonito, frio y cereno.
I present one of my drawings, I like to call "pretty russian". and is the picture taken from a picture of somewhere i don't remember where exacly, surely something like a Facebook or MySpace page. I did it like 4 years ago and i only remember it was a casual picture of this woman who was standing, as I remember, posing in some sort of hill on a gray day and apparently it behind, some buildings might be seen, some kind of factory or something. was a pretty gray day, which I thought was cold, quiet and really beautiful.
empece a llamarlo "pretty russian" por que lo unico que recuerdo de el profile es que era de russia.
I started calling him "pretty russian" because all I remember of the profile is that it was from russia.
hasta la proxima...
see you next time...
Well ... therefore I have many things to post, and I do not mean that I am a creative machine that creates thousands of works at once, no, I mean simply that I have many past creations and rarely shown. are many to display them all so I will just show those I like the most.
Quiero presentarles uno de mis dibujos, que me gusta llamar "pretty russian". y es el retrato que saque de alguna foto de algun lugar, seguramente de alguna pagina como Facebook o myspace. lo hice hace como 4 anos, y solo recuerdo que era alguna foto casual de esta mujer que segun recuerdo estaba parada posando en alguna especie de colina en un aparentemente un dia gris y atras de ella se veian unos edificios alguna especie de fabrica o algo, era un cuadro vastante gris, el cual me parecio muy bonito, frio y cereno.
I present one of my drawings, I like to call "pretty russian". and is the picture taken from a picture of somewhere i don't remember where exacly, surely something like a Facebook or MySpace page. I did it like 4 years ago and i only remember it was a casual picture of this woman who was standing, as I remember, posing in some sort of hill on a gray day and apparently it behind, some buildings might be seen, some kind of factory or something. was a pretty gray day, which I thought was cold, quiet and really beautiful.
empece a llamarlo "pretty russian" por que lo unico que recuerdo de el profile es que era de russia.
I started calling him "pretty russian" because all I remember of the profile is that it was from russia.
hasta la proxima...
see you next time...
sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010
I am Furr.
Publicado por
Furr M.
despues de mucho tiempo de divagar entre lo diferentes blogs, visitandolos casualmente sin jamas seguir a ninguno, despues de tanto oir a hablar sobre los blogs decidi empesar el mio propio.
-after a long time to wander between the different blogs, as a casual visitor without ever follow anyone, after hearing much talk about blogs. I decided to get started on my own.
De que trata? no lo se, simplemente tratare de desinflar un poco mi cabeza saturada de pensamientos, ideas y mis percepciones del mundo. al igual que muchos de los blogs. tratare de comprartir mis creaciones artisticas, mis dibujos, la musica que hago y algunos de mis poemas.
-what is my blog about? i do not know, merely try to deflate my head a bit saturated with thoughts, ideas and my perceptions of the world. Like many of the blogs I'll try and share my artwork, my pictures, music I do and some of my poems
Probablemente notaran que el 90% de los poemas y canciones son en ingles. y posiblemente les parecera extrano, por que un hispano, un guatemalteco, que nunca a vivido ni visitado ningun pais anglo decide escribir solo en ingles? pues la respuesta no la tengo, posiblemente sea por que e crecido con la influencia de la musica de mi madre, cresi oyendo the beatles, creedence, the bee gees, elvis. y tal vez por eso me fui acostumbrando. luego atraparon mi atencion bandas como the strokes y the white stripes, bandas que me llevaron a retroceder en el tiempo y conocer a bandas como oasis y the verve, las mismas me llevaron a conocer a the who, the kinks, velvet underground, syd barret, David Bowie entre otros. y estos me fue abrieron la mente a poesias como las de Bob Dylan, y Dylan Thomas.
-You probably noticed that 90% of the poems and songs are in English. and possibly they seem strange, why a Hispanic, a Guatemalan, who never lived or visited any country Anglo decides to write only in English? because I do not have the answer possibly be that and grown with the influence of music my mother listen, i grew up listening to the beatles, creedence, the bee gees, elvis. and maybe that's why I got used. caught my attention after bands like the strokes and the white stripes, bands that took me back in time and meet bands like oasis and the verve, they took me to meet the who, The Kinks, Velvet Underground, Syd Barret , David Bowie, among others. and these my mind was opened to poems such as Bob Dylan, and Dylan Thomas.
la verdad, no estoy seguro por que tome ese camino. pero aqui estoy, compartiendo un poco de mi y mis percepciones del mundo.
-the truth, I'm not sure that i take this path. but here I am, sharing a little about me and my perceptions of the world.)
Como ya e dicho soy sumamente nuevo en esto del Blog, apesar de tener solo 22 anos, hasta ahora me estoy metiendo en esto. por ahora no entiendo bien las funciones de la pagina, por lo que me reservare a estar con este estilo neutro en mi pagina. que aunque no demuestra mi personalidad en ninguna manera, me permite sentirme comodo mientras exploro las funciones de la pagina.
-Like i said, I am very new at this Blog, in spite of having only 22 years, so far I'm getting into this. for now do not quite understand the functions of the page, so I always reserve to be neutral in this style in my page. that not in any way shows my personality but makes me feel comfortable while I explore the functions of the page.)
ya que aburri a los ningunos de mis seguidores, con mi palabreria mal dirigida y mal asentuada, destrozando todo lo bueno que la ortografia del castellano nos deja. permitanme compratirles otro de mis desastres ortograficos, pero ahora desordenando otra lengua, el ingles. este es un poema que escribi hace un par unas semanas. el poema se titula "young spring flowers".
-now i bored the none of my supporters, with my misguided and talk bad accentuated, destroying everything good that the Castilian spelling leaves. let me buy another for my spelling disaster, but now scrambling another language, English. This is a poem I wrote a couple weeks ago. The poem is titled "young spring flowers".
si no se les facilita eso del ingles, por que no es obligacion de nadie saberlo, pueden copiar el texto e ir a pegarlo ahi y traducirlo para que se les facilite.
"young spring flowers"
make an inspection of your soul
and i know, you'll find the gold
there is no bizarre stuff at all,
just a reflexion of all your goals
and your dreams and fantasies
about your boys, romanticisms
that i would never understand
if i don't get into your mind
that i would never understand
if i don't get into your mind
the sweetest taste on your tongue
while you're singing out loud your favorite song
about the love, the pain and the eternal youth
for you the love's always truth
you think you know
you need to know
but you don't know,
you still ignore,
how old is now the one
who wrote that song
a mischievous smile
a blink in the eye
the imagination
of the boys die
just to make you
feel alive
for a little while
you shine so shy
but the short skirt
would never lie
you are not cheap
you just dont charge
the flower grows
the flower loves
and you don't know
the right, the wrong.
espero que alla sido de su agrado.
-I hope you liked
gracias por su tiempo, nos vemos a la proxima.
-thanx for your time, see you next time.
-after a long time to wander between the different blogs, as a casual visitor without ever follow anyone, after hearing much talk about blogs. I decided to get started on my own.
De que trata? no lo se, simplemente tratare de desinflar un poco mi cabeza saturada de pensamientos, ideas y mis percepciones del mundo. al igual que muchos de los blogs. tratare de comprartir mis creaciones artisticas, mis dibujos, la musica que hago y algunos de mis poemas.
-what is my blog about? i do not know, merely try to deflate my head a bit saturated with thoughts, ideas and my perceptions of the world. Like many of the blogs I'll try and share my artwork, my pictures, music I do and some of my poems
Probablemente notaran que el 90% de los poemas y canciones son en ingles. y posiblemente les parecera extrano, por que un hispano, un guatemalteco, que nunca a vivido ni visitado ningun pais anglo decide escribir solo en ingles? pues la respuesta no la tengo, posiblemente sea por que e crecido con la influencia de la musica de mi madre, cresi oyendo the beatles, creedence, the bee gees, elvis. y tal vez por eso me fui acostumbrando. luego atraparon mi atencion bandas como the strokes y the white stripes, bandas que me llevaron a retroceder en el tiempo y conocer a bandas como oasis y the verve, las mismas me llevaron a conocer a the who, the kinks, velvet underground, syd barret, David Bowie entre otros. y estos me fue abrieron la mente a poesias como las de Bob Dylan, y Dylan Thomas.
-You probably noticed that 90% of the poems and songs are in English. and possibly they seem strange, why a Hispanic, a Guatemalan, who never lived or visited any country Anglo decides to write only in English? because I do not have the answer possibly be that and grown with the influence of music my mother listen, i grew up listening to the beatles, creedence, the bee gees, elvis. and maybe that's why I got used. caught my attention after bands like the strokes and the white stripes, bands that took me back in time and meet bands like oasis and the verve, they took me to meet the who, The Kinks, Velvet Underground, Syd Barret , David Bowie, among others. and these my mind was opened to poems such as Bob Dylan, and Dylan Thomas.
la verdad, no estoy seguro por que tome ese camino. pero aqui estoy, compartiendo un poco de mi y mis percepciones del mundo.
-the truth, I'm not sure that i take this path. but here I am, sharing a little about me and my perceptions of the world.)
Como ya e dicho soy sumamente nuevo en esto del Blog, apesar de tener solo 22 anos, hasta ahora me estoy metiendo en esto. por ahora no entiendo bien las funciones de la pagina, por lo que me reservare a estar con este estilo neutro en mi pagina. que aunque no demuestra mi personalidad en ninguna manera, me permite sentirme comodo mientras exploro las funciones de la pagina.
-Like i said, I am very new at this Blog, in spite of having only 22 years, so far I'm getting into this. for now do not quite understand the functions of the page, so I always reserve to be neutral in this style in my page. that not in any way shows my personality but makes me feel comfortable while I explore the functions of the page.)
ya que aburri a los ningunos de mis seguidores, con mi palabreria mal dirigida y mal asentuada, destrozando todo lo bueno que la ortografia del castellano nos deja. permitanme compratirles otro de mis desastres ortograficos, pero ahora desordenando otra lengua, el ingles. este es un poema que escribi hace un par unas semanas. el poema se titula "young spring flowers".
-now i bored the none of my supporters, with my misguided and talk bad accentuated, destroying everything good that the Castilian spelling leaves. let me buy another for my spelling disaster, but now scrambling another language, English. This is a poem I wrote a couple weeks ago. The poem is titled "young spring flowers".
si no se les facilita eso del ingles, por que no es obligacion de nadie saberlo, pueden copiar el texto e ir a pegarlo ahi y traducirlo para que se les facilite.
"young spring flowers"
make an inspection of your soul
and i know, you'll find the gold
there is no bizarre stuff at all,
just a reflexion of all your goals
and your dreams and fantasies
about your boys, romanticisms
that i would never understand
if i don't get into your mind
that i would never understand
if i don't get into your mind
the sweetest taste on your tongue
while you're singing out loud your favorite song
about the love, the pain and the eternal youth
for you the love's always truth
you think you know
you need to know
but you don't know,
you still ignore,
how old is now the one
who wrote that song
a mischievous smile
a blink in the eye
the imagination
of the boys die
just to make you
feel alive
for a little while
you shine so shy
but the short skirt
would never lie
you are not cheap
you just dont charge
the flower grows
the flower loves
and you don't know
the right, the wrong.
espero que alla sido de su agrado.
-I hope you liked
gracias por su tiempo, nos vemos a la proxima.
-thanx for your time, see you next time.
1 comentarios
viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010
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